Heat a saucepan over medium heat. Add chopped bacon, and cook until crisp. Move bacon to a paper towel lined plate, reserving 1/4 cup of rendered fat in the pan. If you don't have 1/4 cup of fat, add olive oil to equal 1/4.
Add garlic and shallot, and cook until fragrant, about 3 minutes.
Add honey, red wine vinegar, pepper, and mustard powder to taste. You may enjoy with more or less sweetness and acidity.
For The Spinach Cranberry Salad
Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Add warm bacon dressing, and toss to combine.
Honey and red wine vinegar amounts may need to be adjusted to personal taste. To add a kick, try adding 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper to the bacon dressing. Serve immediately after dressing.